Good morning Task Force,
we finally made some improvements for all our benchmark Countries leading to the introduction of Version 3.0.0. Please have a look into the attached report.
Kind Regards
Robin Gontermann
Robin Gontermann
Product Owner Data Science
Angaben nach § 25a Absatz 1 GenG: DENIC eG (Sitz: Frankfurt am Main)
Vorstand: Thomas Keller, Martin Küchenthal, Andreas Musielak, Sebastian Röthler
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Daniel Rink
Eingetragen unter Nr. 770 im Genossenschaftsregister, Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main
Allgemeiner Hinweis zur Erfüllung unserer Informationspflichten gemäß Art. 13, Art. 14 DS-GVO: Informationen zur Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten durch DENIC finden Sie unter
Good morning Task Force,
attached you can find a report summarising our recent improvements on the address-checker.
Currently we are working on FR, UK, CH and IT and it looks promising to increase those also in average by 10%.
If you do not have already, please add your countries address characteristics to the repository:
As a next step, we want to invite you for a review and discuss all functionalities in detail with you in a zoom call. But in advance, we would like to gather your opinions:
Who may be interested to run the service on their own hardware?
Who would be interested to use a service provided by Denic?
Kind regards
Robin Gontermann
Robin Gontermann
Product Owner Data Science
Angaben nach § 25a Absatz 1 GenG: DENIC eG (Sitz: Frankfurt am Main)
Vorstand: Thomas Keller, Martin Küchenthal, Andreas Musielak, Sebastian Röthler
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Daniel Rink
Eingetragen unter Nr. 770 im Genossenschaftsregister, Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main
Allgemeiner Hinweis zur Erfüllung unserer Informationspflichten gemäß Art. 13, Art. 14 DS-GVO: Informationen zur Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten durch DENIC finden Sie unter
Good morning Task-Force,
I am eager to give you an update about the current status:
Repository about address specifics:
Countries stated: Austria, Germany, Denmark, Spain
Work in progress: Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden
Everyone, please add your country until 01.03.2025 to support our development process.
Address Check Service Testphase:
We provide the address checker as a free service during the test phase, so you can test it for your addresses and provide general feedback about the results quality. The service is hosted at Denic and will not use external services. We will not log your address data. Usage agreements are regulated within a data process agreement (see attachment)
Current users: Denmark, Latvia
Requested service: Netherlands
Please contact me, if you want to use the service!
Quality of the service:
The newest benchmarks and improvements can be found in the attached report.
For any questions please feel free to reach out to me.
Kind regards
Robin Gontermann
Robin Gontermann
Product Owner Data Science
Angaben nach § 25a Absatz 1 GenG: DENIC eG (Sitz: Frankfurt am Main)
Vorstand: Thomas Keller, Martin Küchenthal, Andreas Musielak, Sebastian Röthler
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Daniel Rink
Eingetragen unter Nr. 770 im Genossenschaftsregister, Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main
Allgemeiner Hinweis zur Erfüllung unserer Informationspflichten gemäß Art. 13, Art. 14 DS-GVO: Informationen zur Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten durch DENIC finden Sie unter
Hello work force,
thank you for actively working on the repository as it consists now .at, .dk, .de, .es, .sk (work in progress).
DENIC has just now released the address-check as a trial service for working group participants.
Currently just for .dk and .lv since they have already provided us ip addresses for whitelisting.
If you want to try it and provide us feedback, please sent me Ip v4 addresses, that you will use to request the service.
Have a nice Saint Nicholas Day!
Robin Gontermann
Product Owner Data Science
Angaben nach § 25a Absatz 1 GenG: DENIC eG (Sitz: Frankfurt am Main)
Vorstand: Thomas Keller, Martin Küchenthal, Andreas Musielak, Sebastian Röthler
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Daniel Rink
Eingetragen unter Nr. 770 im Genossenschaftsregister, Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main
Allgemeiner Hinweis zur Erfüllung unserer Informationspflichten gemäß Art. 13, Art. 14 DS-GVO: Informationen zur Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten durch DENIC finden Sie unter
Hello once again,
since the group is still getting new interested participants, here are the current actions that you can take:
- Find the repository and check the examples already provided.
- You should have writing access already, so please create a folder for your country code and list characteristics and examples for the way your countries addresses are used.
- If you like to try out the service as it is, please send us ipv4 addresses that we can whitelist, so you will be able try the service and provide your feedback.
Kind regards
Robin Gontermann
Robin Gontermann
Product Owner Data Science
Angaben nach § 25a Absatz 1 GenG: DENIC eG (Sitz: Frankfurt am Main)
Vorstand: Thomas Keller, Martin Küchenthal, Andreas Musielak, Sebastian Röthler
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Daniel Rink
Eingetragen unter Nr. 770 im Genossenschaftsregister, Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main
Allgemeiner Hinweis zur Erfüllung unserer Informationspflichten gemäß Art. 13, Art. 14 DS-GVO: Informationen zur Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten durch DENIC finden Sie unter
Hi all,
thank you for participating at this work force.
Lets start by sharing characteristics and specialities of our own countries addresses in the repository provided by centr.
.de and .dk have already shared some of their insights, that you can use as guidance:
We intend to use this insight to get a better understanding of possible challenges and necessary normalizations of data, before comparing it with Open Strteet Maps. The way addresses are handled by native people are more important for this approach than the official standard way of expressing addresses.
Also, we will be able to provide you our address check tool in the next few weeks in its current status for a test period. It is optimized for german addresses, but also able to check foreign countries.
The service will be hosted by Denic and is reachable for you as an API endpoint. All components, that we use for the service are hosted onsite.
Everyone who is interested in trying it out as it is now, please send me ipv4 addresses , that we can whitelist for the service. We will then send you a bearer token and a minimalistic legal agreement. Please try it especially for your country's address data and provide us feedback, so we can improve the system.
Kind Regards
Robin Gontermann
Product Owner Data Science
Angaben nach § 25a Absatz 1 GenG: DENIC eG (Sitz: Frankfurt am Main)
Vorstand: Thomas Keller, Martin Küchenthal, Andreas Musielak, Sebastian Röthler
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Daniel Rink
Eingetragen unter Nr. 770 im Genossenschaftsregister, Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main
Allgemeiner Hinweis zur Erfüllung unserer Informationspflichten gemäß Art. 13, Art. 14 DS-GVO: Informationen zur Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten durch DENIC finden Sie unter
Hi all,
Please note a couple more members on this list now. (.es, .be)
Quick question to Robin and all: I create the repo on but in hindsight wondered if it would have been easier for people to use github ? ?
It's not too late to change as we only just set it up and no activity yet.
Robin - please provide next steps for this group.
From: Patrick Myles
Sent: Monday, 4 November 2024 8:00 PM
To: r&d(a)
Subject: Invitation to new Task Force: Address Check
Invitation to new Task Force:
Title: Address Check
Lead: DENIC, .de (Robin Gontermann)
Background: To create an address check solution, that works well for European addresses and can be used as a standard in the CENTR community. As Registries we will be able to provide uniform address check results to our customers. Since we have seen, that some of us already achieved solutions optimized for domain holders living in their country, but struggling to find solutions for foreign citizens, we want to align our knowledge to create a general solution.
Start date: November 2024
End date: May 2025
Deliverable 1: Share country specific knowledge about addresses in a Repository to be created in the CENTR environment. Interested participants can create a folder for their country code and share specific insights about addresses in their country. It is not just about official standardized ways of displaying an address, but also how people in general deal with addresses. For example, in Germany we have a 5-digit postal code system, but unofficially some leading zeros are skipped and there are many used ways of displaying the postal code like: 01814 = 1814 = DE-01814 = D-01814. The repository can also hold resources for address data, if there are any in your country.
Additional: We invite interested participants to try out the DENIC Address Checker tool, which is currently optimized for German addresses, but is able to check addresses globally (with varying accuracy). Since it needs some requirements to set up the service, we are planning to provide each interested participant access to our system via API white listing. Long term it is the intention to make the Address Checker tool open source and/or offer it as a service.
How does this work compare to NISFITS group? Address Check is more of a technical solution to a problem of address verification related to NIS requirements.
Communication: CENTR has opened a mailing list for participants and a gitlab repository.
Patrick Myles
Data Analyst
CENTR - Belliardstraat 20, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
Signal +61 415 728 347 - Skype: pat_centr<>
Hi all,
Information on the creation of this new task force:
1. I've now created a mailing list for this task force with the below people. Please let me know if you have edits to this list.
Benjamin Berthold berthold(a)<>
Robin Gontermann gontermann(a)<>
Daniele Sartiano daniele.sartiano(a)<>
Trnka Branislav Branislav.Trnka(a)<>
Nikolaj Ravn Hansen nrh(a)<>
1. I have created a project in gitlab at and have invited all users. Some have owner role others have developer.
1. I will next send out the following email to the R&D list. Please let me know soon if you wish to amend something. If not, I'll send it on Monday 4th November.
Invitation to new Task Force:
Title: Address Check
Lead: DENIC, .de (Robin Gontermann)
Background: To create an address check solution, that works well for European addresses and can be used as a standard in the CENTR community. As Registries we will be able to provide uniform address check results to our customers. Since we have seen, that some of us already achieved solutions optimized for domain holders living in their country, but struggling to find solutions for foreign citizens, we want to align our knowledge to create a general solution.
Start date: November 2024
End date: May 2025
Deliverable 1: Share country specific knowledge about addresses in a Repository to be created in the CENTR environment. Interested participants can create a folder for their country code and share specific insights about addresses in their country. It is not just about official standardized ways of displaying an address, but also how people in general deal with addresses. For example, in Germany we have a 5-digit postal code system, but unofficially some leading zeros are skipped and there are many used ways of displaying the postal code like: 01814 = 1814 = DE-01814 = D-01814. The repository can also hold resources for address data, if there are any in your country.
Additional: We invite interested participants to try out the DENIC Address Checker tool, which is currently optimized for German addresses, but is able to check addresses globally (with varying accuracy). Since it needs some requirements to set up the service, we are planning to provide each interested participant access to our system via API white listing. Long term it is the intention to make the Address Checker tool open source and/or offer it as a service.
How does this work compare to NISFITS group? Address Check is more of a technical solution to a problem of address verification related to NIS requirements.
Communication: CENTR has opened a mailing list for participants and a gitlab repository.
Patrick Myles
Data Analyst
CENTR - Belliardstraat 20, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
Signal +61 415 728 347 - Skype: pat_centr<>