Hi all,
Information on the creation of this new task force:
Benjamin Berthold berthold@denic.de
Robin Gontermann gontermann@denic.de
Daniele Sartiano daniele.sartiano@iit.cnr.it
Trnka Branislav Branislav.Trnka@sk-nic.sk
Nikolaj Ravn Hansen nrh@dk-hostmaster.dk
Invitation to new Task Force:
Title: Address Check
Lead: DENIC, .de (Robin Gontermann)
Background: To create an address check solution, that works well for European addresses and can be used as a standard in the CENTR community. As Registries we will be able to provide uniform
address check results to our customers. Since we have seen, that some of us already achieved solutions optimized for domain holders living in their country, but struggling to find solutions for foreign citizens, we want to align our knowledge to create a general
Start date: November 2024
End date: May 2025
Deliverable 1: Share country specific knowledge about addresses in a Repository to be created in the CENTR environment. Interested participants can create a folder for their country code
and share specific insights about addresses in their country. It is not just about official standardized ways of displaying an address, but also how people in general deal with addresses. For example, in Germany we have a 5-digit postal code system, but unofficially
some leading zeros are skipped and there are many used ways of displaying the postal code like: 01814 = 1814 = DE-01814 = D-01814. The repository can also hold resources for address data, if there are any in your country.
Additional: We invite interested participants to try out the DENIC Address Checker tool, which is currently optimized for German addresses, but is able to check addresses globally (with
varying accuracy). Since it needs some requirements to set up the service, we are planning to provide each interested participant access to our system via API white listing. Long term it is the intention to
make the Address Checker tool open source and/or offer it as a service.
How does this work compare to NISFITS group? Address Check is more of a technical solution to a problem of address verification related to NIS requirements.
Communication: CENTR has opened a mailing list for participants and a gitlab repository.
Patrick Myles
Data Analyst
CENTR - Belliardstraat 20, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
Signal +61 415 728 347 - Skype: pat_centr