Hi Patrick,

My first reaction to that would be that we may face 2 kind of problems with this approach that would need to be considered and so far made such approach less attractive:

- GDPR when transferring data, which in most cases is considered as potentially PII as far as address data is concerned. DPAs may be needed between each the parties, which in MxM setup at scale may get complicated very fast, leaving also empty spots on the plane. If we consider cases outside of EU there might be some legal incompatibilities in the wider sense

- licencing and terms of use of the data sources, if some of them go beyond what is freely available. Again direct agreements between parties may be needed

Kind Regards,


On 08.11.24 02:29, Patrick Myles wrote:

Comment from an external (ICANN) to this group:


Just a thought: if .XY has an address checker for their country, and .YZ has an address checker for their country, couldn't .XY provide a way for .YZ to check the addresses of registrants in XY and vice versa? Once an interface specification had been defined, operators could then bilaterally engage with each other, with CENTR as a clearing house.





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